Jonalyn’s Watercolor Blog

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Who Would Visit My COVID Art Show?

My show “Saving Lives” has been open for one week now and I’m meeting many people who want to visit my COVID art show. “Saving Lives” tells the untold stories from the years of lockdowns and masking that many of us, frankly, would just like to forget forever. And yet, my show also tells the amazing stories of reunion and beauty, too. The response from guests has confirmed that the timing was perfect. People are ready to start thinking about

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A Sneak Peek into my Covid Art Show

I’ve been framing over 40 paintings for my Covid art show this July. “Saving Lives” will be a gentle and beautiful watercolor journey through the COVID years to honor all we went though, to tell the untold stories, and to process these stories. But it will also include local landscapes paintings from the Seacoast and still life. This show will be appropriate for children of all ages and will conclude with an invitation to respond through writing or drawing. I

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An Art Exhibition on the COVID Years

During the last nine months I been preparing for an art exhibition: listening to stories, sketching ideas, painting rough drafts, scheduling critiques, and then back to the drawing board again. Specifically, I’ve been thinking about COVID, asking for God’s courage to know how to paint these dark times. I have been preparing for an art exhibition, “Saving Lives”. And today, I am pleased to share a taste with you. Why COVID? You might wonder why I’m spending so much energy

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Watercolor Art Auction on Fridays

There’s something amazing about a watercolor art auction, it reveals and condenses. But first let me tell you about trendiness and the way it works in art purchases. I’m surprised at how easy it is for a smooth sales guy or gal to talk someone out of what they like. Quietly, I watch it at art galleries or fashion boutiques. I see it in how people dress or walk; they didn’t feel comfortable with this look until someone argued them

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Messing About in Boats

I live near a brook that sings its way to the Atlantic Ocean.  We wade in its murky waters in the summer and watch the tides bring it up and down all year long. In winter, it freezes at multiple heights, making a fun crunchy playground. We watch this water catch the sunrises and sunsets. Living so near the water has been a dream come true. Over the years, Dale and I have realized, we are like Water Rat in

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When COVID Hit 👊🏼

Isn’t it incredible to realize that one day, we will have to explain the COVID years to someone who didn’t live through it?! I think this will be particularly difficult for most of us. Processing any difficult event requires we revisit it when things begin to feel more normal. We loop back to think (or journal or talk) through what happened. But, most of us don’t talk about what COVID-19 was like in the horrible days.  We don’t revisit how

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Painting in the Caribbean

First a reflective thought on social media, then a beautiful story about painting people in the Caribbean. Happy Saturday! How I See Social I meet with a couple of painters to critique our work via Zoom, and during one of these meetings I realized we are all struggling with how to show up on social in an authentic and meaningful way. There’s a metaphor I’ve created that’s helped me navigate this “social” world. I see social like a Roman well

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One Day Left

This month I shared a few tips to build your art collection and display it like a pro. In case you fell behind or missed the posts, you can catch up with the whole series right here.  How to Choose How to Frame How to Display February Special For my new readers, I didn’t want you to miss out. Because this month only, purchase any original piece of artwork from my shop and I will frame it for you at

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How to Display Art

There are so many good ideas for laying out space. Some of my favorite friends are fashionistas who understand how the human body is really a blank wall, ready for decor, colors, drape and coordination. A wall is also like a blank canvas, so I know I can help you better display the art you already own or would like to find. Hanging art well is an art from itself, and it’s really easy to get it right! Before I

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