Meet Robin
Swapping Stories
Laughter, head-shaking, story-telling echoed in the Foundation Art Space of downtown Exeter. We closed down the Grand Opening of my Saving Lives art show with these stories of gritty human needs and the impossibility of keeping all the rules. I sense God bringing precisely the people at the exact time they need. New friends are taking flyers to post back at their homes, churches, and places of business. I ran out of flyers again last night. The response has exceeded my expectations, about 40-50 people stopped by last Saturday, 20 people just last night, and I was delighted to hear so many new stories. Many of them wrote them on the blue cards (blue like the colors of the surgical masks we wore) and pinned into the blank frames. See the pics below.
One final fun piece about Robin I just have to share. While reading each placard and looking at my art, Robin modeled what I had envisioned and planned for all my guests. She would read a story and exclaim with some sort of emotions, “Oh, that makes me so mad!” Then, she’d swivel on her heel and look at one of my peaceful landscapes. After calming down a bit, she’d turn back around to more of “Saving Lives”. I relate to this experience of ping-ponging between beauty and pain. This is how beauty has reinforced my own life, too. Beauty forms an oasis as we face the realities of life. And I am so grateful others are finding my painting capable of bringing both honesty and healing and rest.
Visit my COVID Art Show Online?
I was honored by Robin’s witness and the stories she shared last Saturday. Should you want to come visit my COVID art show, you can stop by through all of July (details below). And there’s a good chance I’ll be open through August as well. And if you are not local, I’m pleased to share that I have been filming to create an “Online Gallery” for you to see these paintings, read the stories in my galley. I think we’ve just secured a drone filmography to capture overhead footage of the town so you can cyber-visit my COVID art show from the comfort of your home. As subscribers to my blog and newsletter here, you’ll be the first to know when the online gallery launches.
While you’re waiting for the online gallery experience, I can offer you two interviews to hear more and see some “Saving Lives” paintings. The first is my husband’s interview of me during our podcast “Back Porch Conversations with Dale and Jonalyn”. You can listen to this free episode here. It’s the first time I explain how the training to paint “Saving Lives” began before the lockdowns even started. And if you missed my last post on this show, check out my last blog post “A Sneak Peek into my COVID Art Show.”
The second is this interview with The Republican Professor. You’ll hear the backstories and see several rough drafts of my paintings process. Since it’s filmed you can enjoy seeing as well as hearing about my art show. We also talk about censorship and courage in these days. Watch here
Feel free to share this post with friends who may live in this area (scroll to the bottom for show details). Because people are so glad they came! For instance, Julia, a good friend from Maui, told her friends at the beach about my show when she learned their family was from (wait for it!) Exeter, NH. And would you believe her Exeter family came to visit my COVID art show?! They came for the Grand Opening and were the first to actually understand what “Saving Lives” was all about: honesty, grief, hope and recovery. God is good to connect us over so many miles.
Thank you for your prayers and support!

Visit my COVID Art Show
Art Show Details for “Saving Lives”
Dates: Every Thursday (4 – 8pm), Friday (4 – 8pm), Saturday (1 – 5pm) in July, 2023
Live Music
18:81 Band – Sat. July 15, 1-5 pm
Nancy and O. Harp Duo – Sat. July 22, 1 – 3 pm
18:81 Band – Sat. July 29, 1 – 5 pm
Location – Downtown Exeter
Foundation Art Space, on the River Side
111R Water Street, Exeter, NH
Parking -Robert H. Stewart Waterfront Park.