Jonalyn’s Watercolor Blog

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Ready for Summer

As I shared last time, I’ve decided to stop writing about friendship to make more room to paint. You can still visit my friendship series right here. Having more time to paint has been both interesting and rewarding! Last week I got out to paint the sunshine twice. Here I set up by the Congregational Church in Milford, NH. I love the way the light beat down on the church’s roof and illuminated the steeple.   And I revisited some

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The Final Post on Friendship

I have been criss-crossing the state of New Hampshire to hang my paintings in new shops and galleries. This is a good problem, but the downside is that I have little time to write. This means that this month will be my last formal installment of friendship posts. Come June, I will still write updates, but I’m going to focus on my art in these newsletters. Enjoy a list of all the friendship posts for 2022 below. ~~~ It’s time

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The Work of Healing

My first Best in Show award, the painting that won, update on the auction, and a new post on how you know it’s time to heal a friendship. All in the post below! See you there 🌸

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Forgiveness in Friendship + Auction

Read an inspiring story of a mother I know and begin to heal the friendships that matter most to you.

Don’t miss the big news about my FOUR painting auction starting now. Bid for one of these paintings this week!

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Weeding a Friendship

There are two weeds that can choke out ANY friendship. Two things we have to watch for and root out whenever they rear their ugly heads. Know what they are?

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Growing a New Friendship

I have recently moved to the Seacoast area of New England, where I’m regularly meeting new people and wondering if any of them will develop into friends. This means . . .

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Friends and Flowers

It’s April and time to talk about growing friendships. This month we will focus on how new and old friends require different kinds of care.

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