Just One More Cookie

A silhouette of a woman, curls frame her face and reach down to provide a handhold to help a young girl escape from a prison below. In the woman’s hair sits a finch bird, the same bird that forms our Lady Grey logo. I painted “Miss Lady Grey” to remind me of how the darkest pits became paths to my best joys.

What happens when you become more excited about just one more cookie than any other pleasure?

Who Tells Your Story?

"Beauty from Prickles" - Cactus with yellow bloom

We can all remember certain stories that define us. When you think of your favorites stories growing up, were any about you?

Who told your stories?

The Final Post on Friendship


I have been criss-crossing the state of New Hampshire to hang my paintings in new shops and galleries. This is a good problem, but the downside is that I have little time to write. This means that this month will be my last formal installment of friendship posts. Come June, I will still write updates, […]

The Work of Healing

Exeter Rooftops White Frame copy

My first Best in Show award, the painting that won, update on the auction, and a new post on how you know it’s time to heal a friendship. All in the post below! See you there 🌸

Growing a New Friendship


I have recently moved to the Seacoast area of New England, where I’m regularly meeting new people and wondering if any of them will develop into friends. This means . . .

Perfectionism and Art

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You know, Hitler wanted to be an artist . . . It was easier for Hitler to start World War II than it was for him to face a blank square of canvas. — The War of Art,  Steven Pressfield All journeys of consequence begin with small steps. Creative work means fighting what Steven Pressfield calls […]

How Special Do You Need to Be

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“Codependency* has no respect for age, color, social standing, or sex.” Anne Wilson Schaef We had just finished a terrific sushi dinner in New York City. We were enjoying a double date with D and his wife who lived in New Jersey. D had helped us find a babysitter, so we could enjoy driving his […]

Enjoy Jonalyn's thoughtful reflections, paintings and LIVE event invitations.

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