Mother and Child

How did we become a homeschooling-sailing family? I wasn’t always a mother and I didn’t always want to homeschool or travel. But the reality of a child to her mother has changed many an ambitious woman. As many good stories, this one begins with the birth of a chubby baby.
All is Calm

All is calm, all is bright. Now, let’s be a little bit more honest. These six little words could not be further from the truth.
Painting a Garden

For a watercolor artist, painting a garden is an absolute dream. Painting for a friend is even better. I adore doing commissions for people I know. Barefoot Boy I have a friend who created a cut-flowers garden. This is a commissioned painting of her son running carefree and diaper-heavy through her flower beds. That’s the […]
One Painting with All Your Ski Memories

One of the best things about being an artist is taking ideas that only exist in someone’s imagination and turning them into a work of art. One blank sheet of paper in which I get to paint all the memories–it’s a challenge, but I love it. I’ve been asked to paint ideas from family vacations […]
Spiritual Conversations

Before I was an artist, I was an author and speaker with a focus on sexuality and spiritual conversations. And while I’m not traveling and speaking anymore, I still have spiritual conversations with my friends and family. My First Books Those of you who came to my art show know I used to write books […]
Find the Good, Avoid the Bad Artists

In every place on this earth, we can find the wolves. What makes an artist good and how do you spot the bad artists? How to Avoid the Wolves You can spot a bad artist by these tell-tales (not just in art, but in life) copy-cats of the most famous painters (you can easily google […]
Reading the COVID Stories

My favorite part of my art show “Saving Lives” was reading the stories my visitors left for me. When you paint an exhibition helping people explore and remember the lockdown years, listening become such an important part of the gallery. I’m poring over these stories these days. The End of the Show Friends have asked […]
How Do Artists Do That?

“How do artists do that?” They transform a blank sheet of paper into a scene that stops you in your tracks. They create a portrait that isn’t just the photographic replica of the person, but captures their soul. These alchemists with paint, how do they do it? I believe it’s more than technical skill. It […]
Who Would Visit My COVID Art Show?

My show “Saving Lives” has been open for one week now and I’m meeting many people who want to visit my COVID art show. “Saving Lives” tells the untold stories from the years of lockdowns and masking that many of us, frankly, would just like to forget forever. And yet, my show also tells the […]
The Work of Healing

My first Best in Show award, the painting that won, update on the auction, and a new post on how you know it’s time to heal a friendship. All in the post below! See you there 🌸