Painting Eden

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I met Robin Turnipseed on Instagram. Well, that was our official meeting. Robin had been part of my audience for years. I just didn’t know it.  From her early days, Robin knew about spiritual manipulation, legalism and control. Something I’ve also survived, hearing God used as the “heavy” to enforce unnecessary, inhumane rules. God’s name […]

When Triathletes Commission a Painting

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August is a month of pilgrimage for Americans. It’s the month we return to our holidays of choice, the special places we feel most alive or inspired to be free. August is when we return to places that nourish us, even if that’s just gardening at home. We enjoy that collective breath before the rush […]

Big Sur Thanksgiving

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Suddenly, summer turns her rosy, hot face on us. When I think of summer I immediately think of warmth, water and travel (at least for us in the northern hemisphere). For those of us in New England this week, we’ve been watching the temperatures climb into the 90’s. So, as we all try to cool […]

The Shapes of Portland

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This week, I’m enjoying a plein air painting week in New Hampshire. This means I’m painting outdoors, in the open (plein) air, which will hopefully be sunny and fair. Forecast has been good so far. I’m setting up on street corners and benches, trying to find ways to put the three-dimensional views into an 11 […]

The Bodies We Keep

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In your 20’s everything is smoke and mirrors. When I was in my 30’s, I couldn’t see the signs. But in your 40’s, it begins to shows, certainly by the 50’s and 60’s. Into your 70’s you’re practically an open book. I know 80-year-olds who might as well be billboards.  The older we get, our […]